Bumper Turned 2

Beware: Obsessive dog mom I have been meaning to write about this for a few weeks now🙃 but.. life. Bumper, my angle boy dog, turned 2 on July 13th. And yes, me and my boyfriend, Jacob, threw him a birthday party. (Okay fine, it was more my idea but Jacob was down for it.) I … Continue reading Bumper Turned 2

Move In Update and Vacation

Wow! These past few days have been so chaotic. I have officially moved into my house (YAYYY)! Last monday, July 15th, we left Nashville at 5 a.m. and made our way to Johnson City. When I say we I mean myself, Jacob and Bumper, Jacob's dad Kenny, and Kenny's friend Tim. We had a nice … Continue reading Move In Update and Vacation